We recognize and value the benefits of diversity.

Ms. Bathsheba Kahla (BCom LLB)

Head of Compliance


At Norton-Lambrianos Attorneys we recognize and deeply value the benefits of diversity. We are committed to real and actionable empowerment which will result in the visible and tangible inclusion of previously marginalised people in the mainstream economy.

We are a Company:

  • whose directors, professionals and support employees are representative of the racial, religious, gender and cultural diversity of the people of South Africa;
  • that creates a working environment that is sensitive to the challenges faced by previously marginalised groups such as women and black people, and
  • where all genders at all levels within the firm enjoy equal opportunities and treatment.

In keeping with our commitment to real empowerment Norton-Lambrianos Attorneys (SA) Inc. is proud to announce that we are now a Level 1 B-BBEE Contributor.

Through our active investment in small businesses, continued support and development of our employees, and the facilitation of government employment initiatives, we strive to play a meaningful role in bringing about long-term progressive change in South Africa

Being recognized as a Level 1 contributor to B-BBEE in South Africa demonstrates Norton-Lambrianos Attorneys (SA) Inc.’s active participation in genuine change and reiterates our belief that empowerment and transformation is key to economic growth and a sustainable future for all.

Top Gender Empowered Company

We have been ranked as one of South Africa’s Top Gender Empowered Companies in our sector. As a Top Gender Empowered Company we have actively created initiatives to celebrate and uplift women and organisations making a contribution to gender empowerment.

YES 4 Youth - Norton Lambrianos Attorneys

Empowered Programs

Youth Empowerment Services Initiative

Norton-Lambrianos Attorneys is proud to have partnered with Government to tackle unemployment.

NLA is proud to be a Youth Employment Services business partner and has sponsored and placed 20 youths in skills-enriching employment. This collaboration seeks to find groundbreaking ways, to reignite the economy and give youth a dignified first chance through innovation and technological best practices.

The YES 12-month quality work experience equips unemployed youth with a toolkit to be a beacon of hope for their families, households, and communities.


Norton-Lambrianos Attorneys has a long history of offering learnership programmes to unemployed youth.

To date, we have helped more than 150 unemployed participants to adequately acquire both practical skills and theoretical knowledge that earn them a SETA-approved NQF-registered qualification, all in an effort to address the gap between the current education and training provided and the needs of the current labour market.

We have a team of over 300+

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